Car Puzzle 3D

Car Puzzle 3D

Car Puzzle 3D

Car Puzzle 3D is an addictive game that uses smart navigation to park cars. The context in each round has a certain number of cars and corresponding parking spots. Cars will move along separate white lines for each vehicle. Players' task is to navigate all entities to the cage without colliding or blocking each other's way.

Besides, each level of this challenge will only be allowed to create move orders ten times. After these navigation turns, if all the cars have not entered the spot, you lose. You are allowed to travel but it is also counted as one trip, so come up with a reasonable strategy.

Direct cars 

The cars in Car Puzzle 3D will move when you click on them. Each entity has its own path, the object will automatically follow the white line when receiving a click command to move.

Comparable puzzle games with cars

Challenging cars in parking lots always requires gamers to have smart strategies to overcome. Discover games similar to this exciting game now to challenge your way of handling situations like Park Me, Parking Panic, and so on.