Extreme Runway Racing

Extreme Runway Racing

Extreme Runway Racing

Extreme Runway Racing is an extremely attractive high-speed car racing game. Players will control a racing car to compete for prizes. Each race consists of three laps and eight participating objects. Players are considered to have completed the match when the main entity completes three laps around the racetrack and reaches the finish line. The game does not care about rankings, so you can take advantage of it to practice your racing car maneuver abilities.

Extreme Runway Racing has two game modes: single-player and two-player. Single-player mode has two forms of participation: Arcade mode (competition) and Time trial mode (practice). With two-player mode, there is only one form, Arcade mode, and two main entities also compete on the same track.

Control a racing car

  • Single-player mode: Players use the arrow keys to navigate the racing car.
  • Two-player mode: Player 1 will control with the ESDF keyboard, while Player 2 maneuvers as with single-player mode.

Some comparable racing car games

Fierce racing tracks make you passionate and looking for more dramatic matches, so join games like Bus Track Masters, Boat Rush, Chaserace Esport Strategy Racing Game, etc.