Sausage Flip

Sausage Flip

Everyone will enjoy the amusing arcade-themed game Sausage Flip. The goal of the game is to discover the special difficulty of tossing a hot dog while having poor vision. You fire sausages by aiming by dragging your finger or mouse backward and releasing. Why are you holding out? Join Sausage Flip now to take advantage of these exciting possibilities!


  • 3D images that are appealing to players.
  • Simple controls.
  • Possibilities for game modes in missions.
  • The game has several rewards.


To play this game, you may use your mouse. You have to cross the finish line without falling off a platform that is full of unexpected yet often hazardous elements, including spinning machines, squishy bricks, and rocket vehicles.

You may watch Cat Runner and see the world from the perspective of an athlete if you like Sausage Flip video games. Good fortune!

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